• President, International Federation of Medical and
Biological Engineering (IFMBE)

• Fellow, AIMBE


Dr. Shankar Krishnan has over thirty years of broadspectrum professional experience in biomedical engineering education, R&D, medical product development and clinical engineering. He is the founding director of the biomedical engineering department and a full professor at WIT in Boston. For his Ph.D., he worked on cardiovascular system at the division of surgical research at the Rhode Island Hospital. Previously, he was an assistant director at Massachusetts General Hospital, a teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School in Boston. He has also held faculty appointments in Illinois, Miami and Singapore. At NTU in Singapore, he was the founding director of the BME Research Center and the founding head of the bioengineering division. He was the P.I. and recipient of numerous interdisciplinary research grants.

He also worked in R&D at Coulter Electronics in Miami, and in hospital design and operations management at Bechtel for international healthcare megaprojects. He has been a consultant to few medical companies, software firms and hospitals. He has served in the National Medical Research Council in Singapore. His research interests are biomedical signals and image processing, medical robotics, telemedicine, cybersecurity and BME education. He has been developing novel models in BME curriculum design, labs, co-ops, and internships. He is the President for the international Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE). He is a fellow of AIMBE, and he keeps active memberships in IEEE EMBS (Life Sr Member), AAMI, BMES, ASEE, ASME, RSNA, MDG and ACCE. He was a member of a team which received the CIMIT Kennedy Innovation Award in Boston.

PLENARY LECTURE: “Embracing Emerging Technologies for Enhancing Medical Humanism”